
"The Construction", curted by Valerio Bindi, is a comic book made by the artists Bambi Kramer and Vincenzo Filosa. The precariousness of the condition of the protagonist who moves in a post-apocalyptic world, between fantastic creatures and dilapidated architecture, follows an intertwined narration, always one...

The wild and playful aesthetic of Sarah Mazzetti meets the linear and soft colors of the illustrations by Emiliano Ponzi. The terrain of comparison is on the theme of the written word: what happens while we read? When writers take us by the hand to...

The images of Andrea Pazienza and Tanino Liberatore for L'Aquila are a tribute to their most well-known characters, who have become icons, live in the collective imagination to have appeared on the covers of important publications in the sector and beyond. The link between the...

Guido Scarabottolo graduated as an architect from Milano’s Politecnico. In 1973 his career path permanently veered when he joined Studio Arcoquattro, a group of young architects active in the area of graphic and exhibition design. Guido went on to be revered as one of Italy’s...

Elisa Cerri and Maurizio Santucci, aka Bomboland, are two illustrators who have worked with four hands since 2008. Their name derives from the "bumblebee", one of the most important and useful pollinating insects for humans, very similar to bees.Bomboland's works come out of the two-dimensionality...

Martina Vanda's black and white domestic irony dialogues with the colorful watercolor of the award-winning Italian cartoonist Gipi (pseudonym of Gian Alfonso Pacinotti). The protagonist of the works of both is a girl who interprets, in different ways, the dichotomy of the wall-bridge subject.In Gipi's...

Stefano Pace lives in L'Aquila and is a self-taught cartoonist. During the day he works as a software developer while at night and in his spare time he leaves the digital world and is armed with paper, pen and colored crayons to draw characters who...

Born in 2005, TO / LET is a visual artist duo, which expresses itself through installations, public art projects, illustrations and videos. With site specific interventions made in paper with the paste up technique (paper and glue on the wall), or by proposing large paintings...

Claudia was born in Rome in 1975. The revolutionary air of the '70s broods in her for many years, too many according to her, because it is only in 2009 that she gives up everything and decides to devote herself to photography. She leaves the...

Serena Vittorini was born in L'Aquila and lives in Rome. She was passionate about photography as a child but it was after graduating in Psychology that she decided to devote herself entirely to the study of photographic technique, at the ISFCI (Higher Institute of Photography...

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