Serena Vittorini

Serena Vittorini, ArtBridge artistSerena Vittorini was born in L’Aquila and lives in Rome. She was passionate about photography as a child but it was after graduating in Psychology that she decided to devote herself entirely to the study of photographic technique, at the ISFCI (Higher Institute of Photography and Integrated Communication).

In addition to her studies, she began working as a freelance photographer focusing mostly on the commissions relating to portraiture and still life. Hand in hand with her career she also evolves the artistic one which allows her to realize personal projects. Attentive observer of daily life, she lives photography as research, a tool to tell personal thoughts and faces of those who cross her path.

At the center of her work there is always an interest in the individual who is sometimes isolated and extrapolated from his social context to direct attention to his typical characteristics, others instead submerged by the surrounding environment. In “Find more from themselves is a state of mind” a ball is suspended in the air while a footballer watches it carefully before hitting it. Between the uncertainty of the result and the determination of intentions, sport here becomes a metaphor for talking about life in the Abruzzo capital during the post-earthquake reconstruction period.

Exhibitions: Change!

I rely on the certainty that a kind of magic is preserved within each reality. Photography for me is the search for that suggestion.

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