Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023

  • Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023
  • Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023
  • Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023
  • Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023
  • Tijay Mohammed, Clean Energy, Bronx, 2023


“Clean Energy” is an exhibition by artist Tijay Mohammed produced ArtBridge in collaboration with NineDot Energy and the Bronx Charter Schools for Better Learning – BBL2.

Throughout winter and spring 2023 BBL2 elementary school students, along with BBL2 staff and NineDot Energy volunteers, worked with Tijay to envision a future in which clean energy is the norm. The students created images describing this future and Tijay translated them into large scale paintings that were then printed onto vinyl and affixed to the construction fencing at the NineDot battery site that helps power the grid in the Bronx.

Together, with BBL2 and NineDot, ArtBridge participated in a Clean Energy Celebration where 200 students, teachers, families and NineDot employees gathered to promote a transition to clean energy. The students wrote and performed a Clean Energy rap and wore t-shirts featuring imagery from Tijay’s mural. 

This partnership exemplifies the good that art can do for the world – bringing together communities, offering educational opportunities, and contributing to change for a better future.

Partners & Sponsors

This project was produced by ArtBridge in collaboration with NineDot Energy and the Bronx Charter Schools for Better Learning – BBL2.

Participating Artists

New York City

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