Alexandre Keto: Alive with Us – Vivo com Nós, Times Square, Manhattan, November 2020

  • The full mural on 43rd Street
  • A painted representation of Sandra Bland playing the saxophone. Painted by Alexandre Keto. Photo by Pascal DuBois.
  • A painted future representation of Trayvon Martin if he was still alive. Painted by Alexandre Keto. Photo by Pascal DuBois.
  • Close-up of Michael Brown
  • Close-up of Agatha Felix

Alive with Us – Vivo com Nós, Times Square, Manhattan, November 2020

“City Canvas’’ is a 24-month pilot designed to allow the installation of temporary visual art on eligible sidewalk sheds and construction fences. We’ve worked with local communities to transform protective construction structures into spaces for temporary art installations. This is a partnership with The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), in collaboration with the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) and the Office of the Mayor.

Alexandre Keto

Photos of “Alive with Us” / “Vivo com Nós’’

The full mural on 43rd Street
A painted representation of Sandra Bland playing the saxophone. Painted by Alexandre Keto. Photo by Pascal DuBois.
A painted future representation of Trayvon Martin if he was still alive. Painted by Alexandre Keto. Photo by Pascal DuBois.
Close-up of Michael Brown
Close-up of Agatha Felix
Close-up of Alexandre Keto's signature
Keto Painting with the names of Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Agatha Felix overlay

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Brookfield Properties
NYC Cultural Affairs

New York City

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