Active Art: Queens P.S. 13

  • Active Art: Queens P.S. 13, ArtBridge Exhibition

About the Mural

Jose Rodriguez‘s mural encourages students to directly interact with it, and otherwise get them to exercise more and be healthy.

During our student workshops, we were able to find out how they previously utilized the space on their playground with games they made up on the spot. By also using elements found in drawings by the students, Jose’s design was a true collaboration that reflects the ideas of the PS 13 student leaders.

Partners & Sponsors

A partnership between ArtBridge, PS 13 Clement C Moore, and NYC’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Active Art in schools.

As illustrated within OneNYC, children spend about half of their waking hours in school and these sites are uniquely positioned to support increases in physical activity levels for students.

In an effort to encourage active play in schools, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Healthy Living by Design Unit invited us to lead a participatory, youth-inspired process to design and install and Active Art installation at PS 13 in Queens.

NYC Health

Participating Artists


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