Ebony Bolt

Ebony Bolt artist, Brownsville Matters exhibition by ArtBridge

I am an artist dedicated to depicting the diversity of people. I believe there is beauty in everyone’s differences, and it should not only be tolerated but celebrated. I’m a textile designer by day and a sketchbook artist at night. My inspiration comes from commuters in  New York City. I feel I am taking a trip around the world each time I step into a train car and see a representation of people from different countries. My focus is to create relatable art that includes and reflects the masses. My prints are usually compact to symbolize the clutter of the city.

“The composition of each print usually encompasses a collage of people, black and white imagery with pops of color.” –Ebony Bolt

Website: https://www.theboltdiaries.com

ArtBridge Exhibitions: Brownsville Matters
Artists, B

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