22 Feb Chromatweet : Can you feel color now? /Tones by Pantone
A conversation with the artist behind «the color chronicle»
The link between color and emotion is a daily topic at Pantone, where we often pair color values with single words that explain their allure, their importance, and the effect they have on the viewer. As we think through the applications and implications of Pantone’s thousands of colors, we are inexorably drawn into a conversation about what each color says to us and about us.Artist Aleksander Macasev has his own daily conversation about emotion and color – which he has made public in the form of ChromaTweet. Macasev’s project is a daily color journal, with a single color posted at the end of each day. That color is meant to express the artist’s mental and emotional state. Over two years of ChromaTweet-ing Macasev has created a record of one man’s interaction with color – and, movingly and enigmatically, his personal life.You can experience ChromaTweet daily on Twitter and Facebook. Or you can head to Brooklyn’s Dumbo neighborhood, where non profit public art organization ArtBridge has installed murals of Macasev’s daily color choices on street level.
View the full article: Tones by Pantone